Friday’s Findings: 04.09.2021

1.  Wellness tip… I talk regularly about intermittent fasting as a major health booster. Our much healthier ancestors fasted regularly, not for health reasons, but because they had to, as food was scarce at times. I regularly skip breakfast, allowing for 16-20 hours of fasting between my previous dinner and that day’s lunch. This week,…

Why Change?

If things are going well, and all is good, there is no reason for change. But if things are not going well, it’s probably a good time to think about change. Necessity is often the catalyst of change. The thing about change is that it can come in many forms. Let’s say you are struggling…

Friday’s Findings: 04.02.2021

1.  A huge concern I’ve had that few people are thinking about… In an effort to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we’ve gone into hyper-sanitizing mode. Two BIG problems with this… First, research showed early on that virus transmission through contact is very unlikely. So, the positive impact of sanitizing the heck out of everything is…

Free Doughnuts? Really???

As the weirdness of this pandemic continues, last week we all saw Krispy Kreme’s latest marketing move. I thought I was being Punk’d when someone sent me the link, but was amazed to find out that it was true… Krispy Kreme is offering a free doughnut if you show that you have received the vaccine.…

“Your Only Option”

When confronted with having to make a decision about a course of action to take, it always helps to know ALL of your options. It is very difficult to make great decisions with limited information and data. It also makes it difficult, and often dangerous, if you only know some of the available options. So…

Two Things It Is Okay To Say

As humans, we can’t possibly know everything. And as humans, we make mistakes. But as humans, it is very difficult for us to admit both of those things. Doctors are notorious for blowing both of these… they tend to act like they know everything… and they aren’t very good at admitting that they made a…