1. Great analogy I heard this week…
The obesity and overweight rates in our country continue to rise to ridiculous numbers. It is so weird that we can’t seem to figure this out. I heard Dr. Jason Fung, New York Times best-selling author of The Obesity Code, The Complete Guide to Fasting, The Diabetes Code, and The Cancer Code (all of which I have read), on a podcast this week explain things like this… We have stored energy in our bodies in the form of fat or sugar. We have too much stored energy. Think of stopping at the gas station three times a day and filling your gas tank. It would overflow, getting all over the car, maybe even filling up the back seat, causing major issues. There would be two solutions… stop putting so much gas in the car… and/or drive around more to burn off that excess gas. If we want to burn fat, lose weight, and improve our health, we need to stop consuming so much food throughout the day. We can have our meals, but snacking is like continuing to pump fuel into a car that is already full. Skipping a meal each day is a great way to give the body time to burn some of that excess energy (fat and sugar). And we need to move more. Get your body more active to burn that stored energy. You’ll lose weight, get stronger, and feel and function MUCH, MUCH better.
2. Feel-good story I heard this week…
There is a tortoise that turned 190 years old this month. His name is Jonathan, and he lives on the remote island of St. Helena. Not only is he 190 years old, but this makes him the world’s oldest land animal. Wow! Check out this 2-minute video with the veterinarian that helps care for him. Pretty cool to think about this tortoise having been alive since 1832.
3. Quote I came up with this week…
“You cannot be okay with your life if your life is not okay.”
Basically, don’t accept things in your life that are not good. Pay attention to those areas that need work, then do some work on those areas.
***I want to wish everyone a very special weekend of family, tradition, and celebration. We celebrate Christmas, and it’s always been a very special time for me and my family. So whatever you and your family are celebrating this time of year, enjoy each other, enjoy the time together, and take a moment to be grateful for all the blessings in your life. Don’t just give presents… BE PRESENT!***