“There Is No Substitute”

A slogan is defined as “a short, memorable phrase or motto that is used to express an idea or purpose.”  A slogan I’ll never forget is the one Porsche used starting in the ’70s or ’80s, which was… “There is no substitute.” It’s short, memorable, and definitely expresses an idea. Tom Cruise made it more…

Self Deception

I’m sure you have seen the videos online where they show an expert performing some type of activity, and the caption says, “What you think you look like.” Then they show a person performing that same activity, but failing miserably, and that caption says, “What you ACTUALLY look like.” It is pretty amusing, but unfortunately…

Friday’s Findings: 08.23.2024

1.  Great Instagram post I saw this week… Below is an Instagram post (from Farmer’s Footprint) that highlights the INCREDIBLE HEALING POWER of nature. We underappreciate and underutilize the natural, free, and powerful environment around us. Take a moment to read these scientific findings related to birdsong, green spaces, aquatic environments, earthing (a.k.a. grounding), sunlight,…

What’s In You???

I have a very large oak tree in my yard. I often think of the fact that this enormous tree was once just an acorn. It’s mind-blowing to think that each tiny acorn that gets dropped from this tree has within it the potential to become a large, mature oak tree. I have always been…


To prioritize is to “determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance.” Notice the words relative importance. We tend to focus on and spend time and energy on, what is important. Important according to whom? Each one of us! This is why our days look so…