Got Flexibility?

We’ve all been on an airplane as it has hit turbulence. The quick jolts of up and down can be unnerving. The fact that an aircraft can tolerate such forces without being ripped apart is amazing. But it can take those forces because of the design and engineering. It turns out that the wings of…

5 Life Myths

In last week’s blog, I stated that we are the most confused species on the planet when it comes to health and wellness. That confusion has led us to cling to myths regarding our health, which I wrote about last week, but myths plague every aspect of our lives. Here are five life myths that…

5 Wellness Myths

We are the most confused species on the planet when it comes to health and wellness. Part of the problem is that we get one PhD saying one thing and another PhD saying the exact opposite. Both present compelling arguments and data to support their positions, but the average person is left bewildered and frustrated.…

Managing Sweets

People are often surprised to find out that I love sweets. It’s true. I’m like most of you, I love chocolate, cakes, cookies, pastries, and all things sugary. And like most of you, it would be impossible for me to completely eliminate them. So, I have a few strategies to manage my sugar cravings, allowing…

A (Much) Better Strategy

I recently read that Hurricane Ian was responsible for a little over 100 deaths. This was the second deadliest storm this century. While even one death is sad and tragic, I got to thinking about the millions of lives that were saved by responding to the news of the impending storm and taking appropriate action…