COVID-19: Things To Think About

We are in unprecedented times. In times like these, it is natural for humans to feel emotions such as fear, anxiousness, anger, uncertainty, sadness, and suspicion. With so much conflicting information, it’s hard to know who to listen to, as one so-called expert says one thing, while another so-called expert says another. And because the…

Slipping Into Ordinary?

Whether you are trying to improve your relationships, your finances, your health, or your business, the principles for improvement and mastery are the same. One of the reasons I read books, listen to podcasts, go to seminars, and try to surround myself with successful, on-purpose individuals is because the tips, principles and strategies that create…

Optimists Beware!

What happens to us is often out of our control. We work hard to ensure security, predictability, safety, and success. No matter how hard we try, or how well we plan, obstacles, surprises, set-backs will occur. Therefore, what happens to us is important, but how we respond to what happens is more important. At a…

Where Ever You Go, There You Are

If there is something you don’t like, it would make sense to change it. If your job is making you miserable, start looking for a different one. If you don’t like where you live, consider moving. If you don’t like your current set of friends, find new ones. But what if you are the problem?…

Trying To Figure It All Out

Human beings love to understand everything. We have a deep understanding of so much… the solar system, the eco system, the human body, etc. Billions of dollars and billions of hours have gone into studying and deconstructing any and every aspect of life. We’ve had incredible breakthroughs and advances. Of all areas of interest, human…