Friday’s Findings: 01.13.2023

1.  Upsetting/confusing/scary (and very pertinent) news that I heard this week… New data, just released, indicates that the COVID-19 vaccine is causing adverse effects. Utilizing data involving 17 million Medicare beneficiaries, a study published just two days ago, found a 40% increase in heart attack and 50% increase in blood clots. One study showed risk…

Your Biggest Enemy

What is your biggest obstacle in life? If I ask you this question, you’ll surely have an answer. You may have to decide between a couple of things, but you will certainly be able to rattle off one thing that holds you back, brings you down, and is responsible for you not being able to…

Don’t Hibernate!

Our busy schedules make it difficult to get the daily physical activity that our bodies require. It can be tough all year long, but winter becomes a very sedentary time for most of us up north where it’s cold. The cold weather and snow give us great excuses to stay inside. Patients are often surprised…

Optimizing Your Petri Dish

I remember doing science experiments where we would swab different things around us (like door handles, tv remotes, pencils, etc.), rub those swabs across the gel-like material in a Petri dish, putting a lid on them, and leaving them in a cool, dark place. Roughly five days later we could see the bacteria in those…

A Powerful Question To Ask

Have you ever stood in front of a closet or pantry, searching intently for something specific, yet failing to find it, only to realize later that it was right in front of you the whole time? As we fumble along through life, wondering why health, wellness, and happiness are so elusive, the answer may be…

Got Flexibility?

We’ve all been on an airplane as it has hit turbulence. The quick jolts of up and down can be unnerving. The fact that an aircraft can tolerate such forces without being ripped apart is amazing. But it can take those forces because of the design and engineering. It turns out that the wings of…