Use It or Lose It

The human body is remarkable. You are constantly in a state of adaptation to ensure survival. Your body recognizes the changing surroundings and alters how it functions to be better suited for those changes. And it does so without you even having to think about it.   If you use a rake, your hands will…

Waging the Wrong War

When we fear something and want it to go away, we don’t just push for it, we wage war on it. We declared war on cancer in 1971. That same year we declared war on drugs. A war on poverty started in the 60’s. And a war on crime was declared way back in the…

COVID-19 Update

Because I get so many questions about the virus, let me share/reiterate a few things… I am not worried about the virus itself AT ALL. I know that my family and I will get it (and possibly/likely already have) and will do just fine with it. MOST people getting this virus will experience mild symptoms…

Questioning Everything!

Right now, in the midst of this pandemic, if you ask questions you might be considered an extremist, a conspiracy theorist, or just plain nuts. If you are asking questions you get pushed to the far end of the issue. There is no middle ground. It is causing people to hesitate to ask questions. I…