1. My #1 Wellness Tip for 2023…
2. Hilarious (and telling) video clip I saw this week…
I must have watched this video clip from TikTok at least a dozen times this week. It’s hilarious! The little kid celebrates after seeing what is likely a team scoring on the television… until he sees that his dad is devastated. Realizing that it’s not his dad’s team that scored, and seeing his dad falling back on the couch his head, in despair, the kid goes from an all-out cheer, to putting his hands on his head and falling back on the couch. Funny! And telling. It reiterates the fact that our kids do what we do. They learn more from watching our actions than from the words we speak. Enjoy the video clip…click here to watch.
3. Product I started taking…
After a LONG time of saying that I was going to start consuming beef liver and other organ meats, I’m accepting that it will not happen, especially with any consistency. So… I bought desiccated organ meats in pill form. I found a source that I believe is trustworthy and committed to excellence. The company name is Heart and Soil. Their organs come from New Zealand grass fed and finished cattle raised on regenerative farms. And the founder, Dr. Paul Saladino (a.k.a. Carnivore MD), is a smart, well-educated, and well-intentioned guy. I just started taking these supplements this week. I am not looking for an amazing effect, or some magical change in how I feel. I know I will get nutrients that I need, and that there will be health benefits. Organ meats, like liver, are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. I have felt that this is one of the reasons our ancestors, and remote tribes, are so much healthier than we are… they tend to eat animals nose to tail. I believe eating the actual organ meats has to be better than taking them in supplement form, but I also believe taking the supplement form is better than not taking anything at all. I also wrapped up a bottle for Lana for Christmas, as nothing speaks romance quite like a bottle of desiccated beef organs. Haha! (Don’t worry… that’s not the only gift she got!) You can get more information and order (if interested) at their website… heartandsoil.co (not .com).