Happy Anniversary To Me!

I have always felt fortunate to have known exactly what I wanted to do for a living since I was young. It made college planning very easy. I did my undergraduate work at Ohio University, then my doctorate work at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. When I started the chiropractic program, I told…

5 Simple New Year Tips

As you embark on a new year, in a new decade, you will likely have thoughts of improving your life. It is a long-standing tradition to set goals, or resolutions, at the start of a new year. For some, it might be to make more money, for others to take more time off work, and…

Who Do You Think You Are?

What makes one person better than another? Socially speaking, we tend to elevate those with a lot of money, fame, and or a prestigious position. Those people tend to be looked up to, revered, respected, and certainly treated differently. I have always found it intriguing how someone could be rich and famous and loved by…

Pay Now Or Pay Later

Real, organic, healthier foods cost more than processed, artificial foods. When you add this to the cost of a gym membership, your purified water, wellness visits to the chiropractor, massage therapist, and dentist, and good running shoes, it becomes apparent just how expensive healthy living really is. Can you afford to live the wellness lifestyle?…

Use It Or Lose It!

Have you ever had a cast on your arm for several weeks and found that the muscles in that arm were much smaller than the muscles in the other arm once the cast came off? The shrinkage of these muscles is called atrophy. Why does this happen? It’s simple, really, and makes great sense once…