The Most Important Success Trait?

Ask ten high achievers what the most important success trait is, and you’ll likely get ten different answers. It’s a tricky question, because the most important and impactful trait to ensure your success may vary. It could be vision, planning, or goal setting early on in a particular venture. It might be persistence and drive…

Over-hyped and Under-hyped

Things are what they are. But then they become something else based on how they are presented to us and the world. Some things are hyped up and made to seem like something much more special than they are. And other things are minimized and underappreciated, often overlooked for the value and power they truly…

Two Dysfunctional Relationships (P.2)

Relationships can become dysfunctional when one or more of the parties involved enter into that relationship with selfish, criminal, harmful intent. In the last week’s blog, I stated that there are two industries that I don’t care for too much… the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry. I wrote about the insurance company in the…

Chasing Symptoms

When it comes to problems with our current healthcare system, the list is quite long. At the foundation of these problems is the fact that it should not even be called a healthcare system, as the focus of this system is not on health itself, but rather the futile attempt to eradicate sickness and disease.…