My Take On Some Big Issues

There are many debates within the scientific and healthcare communities when it comes to causes of, and contributors to, the rapid rise in chronic illness. In an effort to explain the boom in diabetes, asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, heart disease, cancers, autism, learning disabilities, etc., it is logical to look at what in our environment…

Yo, Sapien!

Imagine several giraffes standing around discussing what it is that they should eat. Imagine one saying that it thought they should eat plants, and another saying it thinks they should eat meat. Now imagine a pack of tigers debating how long they should sleep. One tiger says that they need 10-20 hours of sleep each…

Adaptability: The Good and The Bad

As humans, we are wired with incredible abilities that help us heal, grow, and survive. We have been able to get to where we are today because we come equipped with a very specialized body and brain. The human body innately modifies its physiology to maintain survival in many different types of environments. And when…