The Breakthrough Myth

With all of the research being done, money being spent, and knowledge we are gaining, it only makes sense that we are on the verge of a major breakthrough in regards to our health and longevity, right? There is always hype around new breakthroughs, whether it’s a new workout program, dietary supplement, medicine or medical…

Friday’s Findings: 06.18.2021

1.  Word you should know… Iatrogenesis… the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.(Wikipedia) Iatrogenesis is injury, harm, or death that was caused by the medical care given. It is estimated that these medical errors result in as many as 225,000 deaths per year in…

Rethinking Your Behavior

We are all very different. We think differently, act differently, and have very different beliefs. Most of us go blindly through our days, just doing things without thinking about why we do what we do. If I ask you why you do some of the things you do, you might be caught off guard, unable…

Friday’s Findings: 06.11.2021

1.  Important study released this week… The Cleveland Clinic recently studied the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among people who previously had COVID and those who hadn’t. They found that anyone who had previously tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 did not get any additional benefit from the vaccine. You can read the data here. It can be summed…

One Second Wellness

Why don’t we change? We all think about, talk about, even dream about making big changes in our lives. Even if one area of our life is great, there is always another that needs work. And it seems like those are the toughest to change. One of the reasons we avoid change is because we…

What’s Your Escape?

The level of stress we live with, day in and day out, is far greater than we, as humans, were designed to experience. And, like all living organisms, when you are put under stress that is greater than you are designed for, for longer than you are designed to handle, something has to give. Look…

Build It To Last

Years ago, I had a washing machine that stopped working. The repairman told me that I should be happy it lasted as long as it did, as washers today only last about ten years. It seemed to me that washing machines used to last longer than they do now. And they did. So did dryers,…