1. Great video clip I watched this week…
Dr. Zach Bush is one of my all-time favorite experts/people/speakers. He is a triple-board-certified M.D. with a very unique and special background. He speaks very eloquently, scientifically, and everything he says can be fact-checked. I LOVE what he has to say in this Instagram post… and don’t just listen to it… REALLY think about what it is he is saying. SUPER IMPORTANT!!! I’ve watched it a dozen times…
2. Concept I heard twice in the last two weeks…
We all strive to be virtuous. I recently heard of a great way of thinking about virtues… resume virtues versus eulogy virtues. After hearing about it twice, I went to the original source, an article titled, Eulogy Versus Resume Virtues, written by David Brooks, a columnist from NY Times. It’s a short article, but VERY worth reading. You can read it by clicking here. (It’s a 3-minute read) He describes the virtues like this… “It occurred to me that there were two sets of virtues, the résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?” We spend a lot of time and energy on building our resume virtues but it’s worth thinking more about, and working more on, our eulogy virtues. This article, and concept, caused me to pause and think for a bit, as it really is the eulogy virtues that matter most. Obviously, we need to work on both our resume and eulogy virtues, but we need to make sure that the eulogy virtues are given more serious attention… and we MUST NOT compromise our eulogy virtues for our resume virtues. READ THE ARTICLE!
3. Cartoon I saw this week…
Check this cartoon out… and see the truth in it. As humans, we must grow, expand, evolve, and change… or we wither and die. What transformation have you been resisting? Maybe now is THE time to change!?!