1. Good news I heard this week…
It is clear that the divorce rate is very high. I had assumed that it was getting worse each year, and had read that the divorce rate was spiking during COVID. This week, I read that the divorce rate has been steadily declining over the past decade. What really surprised me was that the divorce rate continues to decline even during this pandemic. A lot of articles are stating that it is spiking, but the one I read that said it was declining stated that in these more stressful and uncertain times, people are realizing how much they need and depend on their spouses. Not sure, because of conflicting data, but that was uplifting to hear. And I know there are several reasons why the divorce rate has declined over the past several years, one being that millennials are waiting longer to get married, but whatever the reason, I was happy to hear that.
2. Disturbing stat I heard this week…
On Jay Shetty’s podcast, On Purpose, I heard Dr. Daniel Amen, a leading brain health expert, discussing mental health during this pandemic. He stated that the depression rate back in March was 8%, but in September, it jumped to a staggering 27%. It is stats like this, along with the increased suicide rates and drug overdoses, that obligate us to think about the far reaching ramifications of the actions we are taking in regards to the COVID pandemic. It is also imperative that we be aware of our mental health and take actions to care for it. Dr. Amen made a great point… that the CDC website is very adamant about the importance of hygiene during these times, but we need to practice mental hygiene as well. On another post, he reminds us to stay physically active, avoid watching or reading the news, and to remember that we are spiritual beings and that we are connected to something bigger and all have a higher purpose.
3. Podcast I listened to this week…
Last week, I posted a great speech by Hal Elrod. It’s over an hour, but very worth it. Here is another hour-plus post, but again, very worth it! My sister-in-law sent me a text asking if I knew who Shawn Stevenson was. I didn’t think I did, until I looked him up. He has a podcast titled The Model Health Show. I downloaded three episodes and was very excited to see that one was with Dr. Bruce Lipton, titled What is Stress and Fear Doing to Our Immune System. He is a stem cell biologist that has written a few books, one of which changed how I looked at genetics, health, and healing. I read that book, The Biology of Belief, fifteen years ago. I love this guy! He has some of the best information on how genes DO NOT control our health. I like this podcast because I believe it will help a lot of people feel better about this pandemic. I believe it’s a must listen! Some things you’ll hear… Less than 1% of all disease is connected to your genes… The stress and fear associated with COVID is actually weakening your immune system, making you more likely to have complications if and when you get it… The truth about pharmaceutical companies… And how your immune system is designed to work and four things to do to boost it.