1. Moving video/commercial I saw this week…
Someone sent me this commercial. I love it! Definitely reminds me how important the WHY is behind the WHAT. When you are trying to change your behavior, or want to achieve a goal, you MUST have a big enough WHY. If your WHY is big enough… you’ll always figure out the HOW. Check out this emotional, uplifting, and very well done commercial…
2. A false, inaccurate, and potentially very dangerous statement I heard this week…
While expressing some concerns about this new vaccine, a patient said this… “Well, something is better than nothing.” I hope it goes without saying, but that statement is ridiculously untrue. At a time when we have become desperate for an end to the current pandemic, it makes sense that we will reach for any bit of hope. However, we have to remain careful on how we proceed. The idea of a successful vaccine is very exciting, but we cannot let this excitement override responsible behavior and safe decision making. Something is definitely not always better than nothing. In fact, that something may prove to be not only ineffective, but harmful. I am also concerned because of the media backlash on anyone who states anything less than positive about this vaccine roll-out. Please remember that you are allowed and encouraged to ask questions in regards to such a serious matter, WITHOUT being a conspiracy-theorists or anti-vaxxer. While many view it as dangerous for others to express concerns and ask questions, I believe quite the opposite is true. If you go into any serious health endeavor blindly, without asking a lot of questions, I believe that is very risky and dangerous. I am not telling you that this vaccine is good or bad, or that you should or should not get it, all I am saying is that do not let desperation and/or overexcitement override your ability to ask good questions and proceed with responsible caution. Something is NOT always better than nothing. In fact, that something could potentially be much, much worse than nothing! Time will tell.
3. Quote I love…
“…But you had the rug pulled out from under you, and yet you stayed upright. And then you learned that you can still dance on the hardwood.”
This quote came from a generous benefactor that has provided scholarship money to college students. It was written in a correspondence to one of her scholarship recipients. I loved her use of words in the above quote. It reminds me of two things. First, the rug has, does, and will get pulled out from under us. We have an amazing ability to remain upright. Second, to remain upright and not get completely knocked down is a feat in itself, but to then realize that not only can we remain standing… but dance on that hardwood under the carpet. Wow! Let’s first try to remain standing. Then… let’s not just stand there… but dance!