1. Post I loved this week…
TownHall in Cleveland is one of my favorite restaurants. They do as good with social media as anyone I’ve seen. Their posts on Instagram are great. I loved this one that was posted this week…
2. Great shirt I saw last week…
This shirt caught my attention and got me thinking for a minute. Humans spend A LOT of time and energy on things in the past. I remember someone pointing out that when a lion is chasing a gazelle, that gazelle is in full survival, fight or flight, and panic mode. If it does get away, guess what it’s doing five minutes later? Eating grass! It isn’t second guessing its decisions to turn right or left. It isn’t mad at the lion. It isn’t replaying the event over and over in its head. The past is the past.
3. Observation I’ve made these past few months…
I have always been critical of our heathcare system (primarily because it is a sick-care system, not a health-care system). I am hearing more and more stories about people not being able to get in to see their doctors, proper tests not being able to be ordered or performed, people unable to get the results of their tests, insurance blocking doctors from being able to do what they want for their patients, insurance premiums going up, insurance coverage going down, people having to pay much, much more for their prescriptions, lots of medical mistakes and misdiagnoses, doctors not answering questions, doctors being annoyed by questions, and even patients being scolded by their doctors when asking questions. People are fed up! The system is crumbling. Hospitals, insurance companies, and the pharmaceutical industry are running the show, have turned modern medicine into pure business, and good doctors can no longer practice the art of medicine. Ask your doctors if they are happy with the current medical system and model. They will say no. The system is broken. Be very, very careful right now when it comes to your healthcare choices. Ask good questions. Don’t accept lousy care and service. And don’t tolerate a doctor, or doctor’s office, that doesn’t treat you properly. Your health is your most precious asset. Protect it, care for it, and make sure it is in the best, most caring hands possible.