1. Wild (and great) story I have to share…
Alie, one of our front desk/office superstars, told me about a peacock that wandered onto her parents’ farm. Apparently, it belonged to someone else in the community, had left that property, and ended up on their farm. Well… her mom, JoDee, fell in love with this peacock, and with no real way of figuring out where it came from, basically adopted it and accepted it as theirs. Eventually, the original owners came looking for it, and JoDee had to give it back. It crushed Alie because she saw how much her mom loved it. So, she went and talked to the owners of the peacock, negotiated a deal with them to purchase the peacock, then surprised her mom with it as a gift… for Mother’s Day. I love this story for lots of reasons… (1.) This bird is one of the most amazing, coolest birds I’ve ever seen, (2.) I watched the story unfold, from hearing about how much JoDee loved this peacock, to how bummed she was to have to give it back, to Alie having this incredible idea to try to buy it from the other owners, to her giving it to her mom on Mother’s Day, and (3.) Possibly the coolest Mother’s Day gift… EVER! And Alie sent me this description/meaning of peacock she came across… “The peacock spirit animal is the epitome of beauty. This graceful, powerful animal offers lessons about self-love, honor, integrity and the importance of facing life’s challenges, as well as the unknown, with courage and confidence. When the peacock struts gracefully into your life, you may be entering a time of rebirth.” Wow! That makes the story even more powerful. See the pic below, and tell me if you’ve seen a more beautiful bird…
2. Book I got last week…
I saw a book last week, and the title caught my attention… What Would You Do With a Chance, written by Kobi Yamada. I bought it. Turns out, it’s a children’s book. The message is powerful, the illustration, done by Mae Besom, is impressive, and it should get the reader thinking (it did me!). It’s a super quick read. My favorite lines in the book… the last lines… “So, what do you do with a chance? You take it.. because it just might be the start of something incredible.” Take a moment right now and think of chances that you’ve passed up… and keep that in mind as new chances come your way.
3. Something I was reminded of this past week…
I learned long ago that there really is the right tool for every job. I dragged my son to Akron, Ohio, last week to pick up a piece of floating dock that I found on Facebook Marketplace. When we got there, it was old, pretty beat up, and much larger and heavier than we anticipated (the frame was all metal). It was 20’ long, and we had a trailer that was 24’ long (Thanks, Russ R.!), but my son asked… how the heck are we going to get this thing on the trailer? Just then, the owner comes down the hill in a large backhoe, hooks some straps to the corners, lifts the dock up, swings it over, and sets it perfectly onto the trailer. So smooth! So easy! I couldn’t help but think about how much extra work I put into some things because I don’t have the correct tool. It makes so much sense to try to use the best tools to make the job easier, and to help the job get done better… and this goes for all areas of life. And when it comes to your health, take the time, do your research, and spend the money to get what you need to be as healthy as possible. Here’s a video clip of that dock being loaded onto the trailer (although you may not appreciate it as much as I did… and surely not as much as my son did, who was not happy to be there to begin with. Haha!)
One more thing…
Our Move More Challenge started yesterday! It’s not too late to join. Basically, you track your exercise in an app called GymRats and try to accumulate as many points as you can. There will be winners, but you essentially are competing against yourself. It will be FUN… you will be HEALTHIER… and you will get a COOL, FREE T-SHIRT. And you can do ANY activity you want. Check out the flyer below for details, then go sign up on the GymRats app… then get moving! And after Day 1… I have exactly ZERO points. Yesterday was so hectic for me, I could not squeeze in the exercise I planned on doing yesterday evening. Oh well! I’ll get after it today. And so should you. Join our Move More Challenge TODAY! And thanks to Dr. Mike for getting this all set up!!!