1. Movie I watched…
We watched the movie Air, the movie about Nike’s surprising deal that made bringing Michael Jordan onboard possible. It chronicles Sonny Vaccaro’s (played by Matt Damon) relentless and creative pursuit to do something unheard of in the shoe industry. It told a story that I had known about, but never really knew the details. A lot of surprises. I really liked it. I like that it was informative (sharing a lot of details about how that all went down). I liked that it was inspirational (definitely got me thinking a bit bigger). I liked that it was a true story, and according to most sources, pretty accurately depicted. I liked that we got to watch it with our three boys (I love watching movies with my family, and I know this story could only have a positive, inspiring impact on them). Oh… and I LOVED the soundtrack (lots of classic 80s tunes). My guess is you’ve seen the trailer, but if not, see it below.
2. Something I do as often as possible…
I am a big fan of going barefoot. Shoes obviously have their benefits, but our dependence and constant wearing of them, I believe, is not good. There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments that all work miraculously together to allow us to walk, run, jump, climb, and bear the weight of our bodies all day long. I feel walking barefoot stimulates the joints and soft tissues in a way that promotes the health of my feet. Not to mention the grounding effect that can occur, the picking up of the earth’s charge, that can only happen in bare feet. Summer is a MUCH easier time to go without shoes, and I am now working out in bare feet when I can in. I am sure there are many foot doctors that would disagree, and there are conditions which make going barefoot difficult or even problematic, but I feel much better when my feet are free, on natural ground, and being used in a more diverse and natural way. And I made sure my kids seldom wore shoes when they were little.
3. Excellent podcast I listened to this week…
Dr. Aseem Mahotra, a British medical doctor with a cardiac specialty, has been getting a lot of mainstream media attention with his findings and views on the COVID pandemic and vaccine. He’s very well-spoken, smart, cites a ton of data, and he did receive two doses of the vaccine himself (meaning he is/was clearly not anti-vaccine). He was on the Joe Rogan podcast a few weeks ago, and I just got to listen to it (Thanks for sending it to me, Dave Biz!). I STRONGLY recommend everyone listen to this podcast. He gives some of the best info on cholesterol lowering drugs (statins), shocking insights into what we now know about the COVID vaccine, and eye-opening stats and data on our corrupt and pathetic healthcare system. And if you don’t like Joe Rogan, he doesn’t say a whole lot until the very end of the podcast. It can only be heard on Spotify… here is the link. Below is a clip that they posted on YouTube.