Creating More Value

I was riding in the car with my oldest daughter, Emma, when she was about thirteen years old. We would often have long drives in the car together as we traveled to her soccer games. I would try to utilize that time to influence her thinking and plant seeds to help her succeed in life.…

What Should You Work On?

There are two schools of thought when it comes to personal development and living your best life. One group believes that you should spend more time and energy on your weaknesses, working to improve those areas of your life where you struggle the most. The other group believes you should focus on your strengths, the…

Get A Jump On Your New Year

Many Americans use the new year as an opportunity to set goals, make plans, and create New Year’s resolutions. I am sure there is data on how many people set resolutions, how many quit, and how long it takes them to quit, but it’s safe to say that MOST people do not follow through on…

What Doesn’t Kill You…

Our ancestors had it hard. They were likely often hungry and cold. They hunted and gathered to get what they could to survive. They had to weather storms, floods, fluctuations in climate. They were likely bruised and battered most days keeping up camp, moving camp as needed, and doing what they had to without the…

On Your Deathbed…

In an effort to trigger you to take action, think bigger, and finally go after your dreams, motivational speakers and self-improvement experts will often suggest imagining what you would do if you only had a specified (and usually short) time to live. Our behavior is often dictated by our circumstances, but it is our perceivedcircumstances…

Got Bad Genes?

A patient of mine was very interested in having her genes tested. Having been adopted, she felt the findings could give her more insight into who she was, and possibly what health risks she may need to be aware of. When I asked about the results, she took a deep breath, shook her head, and…

Confidence Building

Nobody likes to feel inadequate, unprepared, or scared. We’ve all had that knot-in-the-stomach feeling when we simply were not ready for what we were about to engage in. Maybe a test that we hadn’t studied enough for… a presentation that we hadn’t prepared properly for… or an athletic event that we knew we were outmatched…