Somewhere In The Middle

I have noticed an odd phenomenon that is happening more lately. I’m sure you’ve noticed it too. It’s extremes. What I mean is that people are being pushed into being labeled as one extreme or another.  We have many biases, prejudices, and beliefs about others that can cause us to see them as we believe…

How Much Do You Need to Know?

If I’m ever flipping between channels and come across a nature show, I’m likely to stop. I’m fascinated by anything as it occurs in nature, whether it be the lifecycle of a mosquito, how a cloud is formed, or the mating rituals of grizzly bears. I am always reminded how, in nature, things happen the…

Question Big Pharma – Part 2

Last week, I voiced my concerns about the trustworthiness of the pharmaceutical industry. Based on past actions, it is very reasonable to believe that they would influence studies, push drugs for things that they were not studied or proven effective for, cherry pick studies, bribe, commit fraud, and lie. Not that every company has been…

Question Big Pharma – Part 1

If you question the efficacy and safety of medications, you will find that those making them and those doling them out act like you’re foolish, out of line, and even reckless. How dare you question those with all the knowledge, scientific background, and authority? But there is very good reason to question. And there are…

The Power of Yet

We’ve all heard about the power of words. The words we use, the way we structure them, and the way we say them all matter. Our outcomes and our success can hinge on the words we use. And the great thing is we don’t need to know big, complex, fancy words to change our outcomes.…

Living Eulogies

Most people know what a eulogy is. It is defined as “a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.” You will hear these highly praising speeches at funerals, highlighting the life of the person who has passed away. Two years ago, I had the unfortunate…

Happy Birthday!

Last week, on September 18th, the chiropractic profession celebrated its 125th anniversary! It has been amazing to see the growth and impact chiropractic has had in this time. My journey started when I was in grade school and was shown how the nervous system controls or influences the organs, tissues, and cells in the body.…

Envy Vs. Awe

In this day and age, it seems like people’s happiness doesn’t just hinge on what they have or how much they have, but what they have and how much they have compared to their friends and neighbors. It is human nature to compare yourself to those around you, but this could be the fastest way to a…

Living In The Vision

Most of the positive psychology information you read isn’t new. In fact, you utilize just about every strategy taught on a daily basis.  This is why you are successful in so many areas of your life. These tips, ideas, or strategies, though, once recognized after learning them, can be applied on a more conscious level and…