The Ship Is Sinking…

Businesses, organizations, sports franchises, and even civilizations that are successful and dominant seem to run their course. Even the biggest and most powerful dynasties eventually fall. The next big collapse, which is underway right now, is our current healthcare system. The past 100 years have been loaded with medical breakthroughs, technological advances, new drug therapies,…

Use A Checklist

Do you believe you know enough about health and wellness to make a significant impact on your weight, energy level, performance, and overall level of wellness? You definitely do. You may not know everything you need to know, but surely know enough to do better than you currently are. There are certainly things that you…

One of My Most Valuable Tools

I look for, and help correct, spinal problems. Why the spine? The spine houses the spinal cord and allows branches of the nerves to get out to every organ, tissue, and cell in the body. Spinal issues can disrupt these nerves, altering the brain’s ability to communicate with, and properly control, the vital bodily functions…

Turning Fantasy Into Reality

What we do, what we have, and what we experience in our day-to-day lives is reality. As humans, we have an incredible ability to create images, conjure up scenarios, and think about things that have not even happened. This makes us unique in the animal kingdom, as deer, fish, and worms do not fantasize about…

It’s Never Just One Thing

At 212 degrees, water boils. Boiling water produces steam. That steam can power a train. At 211 degrees, water is very hot, but not boiling. A good question to ask is what is so special about that one degree? What is it about that 212th degree that is so special? So powerful? So different from…

The Best Gift I’ve Ever Given

My father was not super excitable. Growing up, there were three things that I could say really excited him… the Cleveland Browns football team…the Cleveland Indians baseball team… and 1940 Ford Coupes. While his relationship with the Browns and Indians was tumultuous, with shutting off the television mid-game and him vowing to never watch another…

Will You Live To Be 120?

There is a lot of talk, and a lot of hype, around living super long lives. Bloggers, wellness experts, and biohackers continue to push the idea that we can live to be around 120 years old, with some pushing to reach 150 years old. The truth is that we appear to be genetically designed and…

Get The Roots

I remember weeding flower beds in our yard growing up. My mother would give us that little tool that looks similar to a screwdriver, except the metal end is shaped more like a triangle with two teeth-like points on the end. She would send us out, reminding us, “Make sure you get the roots!” This…