What Bothers You Most?

One thing we, as humans, like to do is complain. And because we do it A LOT, we do it very well. We complain that it’s too cold… then complain that it’s too hot. We complain when it rains… then complain when it’s too dry. We complain about the clothes we have, about our jobs,…

That One Degree

I recently re-watched a YouTube video called “212 Degrees – The Extra Degree.” (You can watch it by clicking here.)It’s basically a motivational story set to some fairly intense music. It starts out with the words “At 211 degrees, water is hot.” Then it says, “At 212 degrees, it boils.” It goes on to say…

Home Office Syndrome

Doctors know that the last thing to come on in most disease processes or health problems is symptoms. The underlying condition is usually brewing for a while before you know you have it. Well… after a year in this pandemic, there are many issues rearing their heads. Depression, loneliness, anxiety, and weight gain are on…

Preparing for the Next Pandemic?

Human beings, Americans in particular, are very short-sighted. We are quick to act, then pound our chests with pride and arrogance (as if we’re so smart), only to find out that despite our short-term success, we pay dearly for our decisions later. We are the only species that can’t figure out how to be happy,…

Chasing Symptoms

More is better… isn’t it? Sometimes it is, but often, it is not. When we experience failure, we tend to try harder, to do more of what we have been doing, thinking that will solve the problem. But when we continue to fail over and over again, it warrants digging in, taking a closer look,…

Why Change?

If things are going well, and all is good, there is no reason for change. But if things are not going well, it’s probably a good time to think about change. Necessity is often the catalyst of change. The thing about change is that it can come in many forms. Let’s say you are struggling…

Free Doughnuts? Really???

As the weirdness of this pandemic continues, last week we all saw Krispy Kreme’s latest marketing move. I thought I was being Punk’d when someone sent me the link, but was amazed to find out that it was true… Krispy Kreme is offering a free doughnut if you show that you have received the vaccine.…

“Your Only Option”

When confronted with having to make a decision about a course of action to take, it always helps to know ALL of your options. It is very difficult to make great decisions with limited information and data. It also makes it difficult, and often dangerous, if you only know some of the available options. So…

Two Things It Is Okay To Say

As humans, we can’t possibly know everything. And as humans, we make mistakes. But as humans, it is very difficult for us to admit both of those things. Doctors are notorious for blowing both of these… they tend to act like they know everything… and they aren’t very good at admitting that they made a…