Honor ALL Emotions

Humans are very emotional beings. The vast range of emotions we are able to experience is a big part of why the human experience is so deep and powerful. Emotions come and go…we have ups, and we have downs. It appears that these emotions control us. And they can. But the truth is we can…

My Take On Some Big Issues

There are many debates within the scientific and healthcare communities when it comes to causes of, and contributors to, the rapid rise in chronic illness. In an effort to explain the boom in diabetes, asthma, allergies, auto-immune diseases, heart disease, cancers, autism, learning disabilities, etc., it is logical to look at what in our environment…

Yo, Sapien!

Imagine several giraffes standing around discussing what it is that they should eat. Imagine one saying that it thought they should eat plants, and another saying it thinks they should eat meat. Now imagine a pack of tigers debating how long they should sleep. One tiger says that they need 10-20 hours of sleep each…

Adaptability: The Good and The Bad

As humans, we are wired with incredible abilities that help us heal, grow, and survive. We have been able to get to where we are today because we come equipped with a very specialized body and brain. The human body innately modifies its physiology to maintain survival in many different types of environments. And when…

Just Shut Off The Alarm???

Late Tuesday evening, a screeching alarm sounded in our house. The noise was followed with a computerized voice… “Carbon monoxide detected..” We looked at each other confused, as if we didn’t know what that was. While we hadn’t heard that alarm before, it was clear that our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors had detected carbon…

Long Term Consequences

Humans are notorious for thinking short term. We want what we want, and we want it right now. While we can get next day shipping on items we buy from Amazon and heat our food in thirty seconds in the microwave, the most important and most meaningful things in life can’t be had without putting…

Get That Fire Burning!

What we do is one thing. How we do it is another. If there is one thing that sets apart the ordinary from the extraordinary, it is the why behind the what. It is easy to see that those doing great things, or living at a higher level, are doing so with a better attitude…

Whose Responsibility Is It?

Human beings love to point the finger and blame others when things aren’t going well. We blame our circumstances, we blame others, we blame our upbringing, and we even blame the weather. Anything we can do to make it not our fault, we do it. I was fortunate to realize at a young age that…