You Know Enough

Health and wellness are such hot topics these days. There is so much talk about diet, exercise, sickness, and disease. Many of our conversations revolve around what condition we have, what doctor we need to see, what diet we are going to try next, or the new workout program we are going to start. There…

Critical For All Things Great

We’ve all heard many so-called keys to success. Some say hard work, others say discipline, and others will even say luck. The reality is that success is always the result of multiple things coming together in such a way that each component is critical, but not exclusively responsible for that success. While many will argue…

Says Who?

Ask a high school student what their plans are after they graduate, and they will likely tell you that they will go to college, get a job, start a family, and someday, probably around sixty-five years old, will retire. The reason they say this is because this is what they know. This is what everyone…