Making Life A Little Harder

I have a tree outside my office window, where, every year, a robin comes to build a nest and lay her eggs. I have watched this bird tirelessly fly back and forth from this tree, each time returning with a mouthful of twigs, grass, and whatever else their nests are made of. I cannot pretend…

Why Are We So Unhealthy?

When it comes to healthcare, the U.S. spends more than any other industrial nation. This should explain why the U.S. is also the healthiest of all industrial nations. One problem… the U.S. is NOT the healthiest nation. Sadly, we aren’t even close. The Commonwealth Fund issued a report in 2014 ranking 11 major industrialized nations in…

The 20-Second Rule

Having more information on how to live a healthier life is always good. That is why I read so much, study so hard, and ask so many questions. However, information without action results in nothing changing. I believe we know enough to make better choices and act in ways that would lead to better health.…

Try Something Old

I was on a boat the other day when I received a text. I was being asked a question that required me to jump online and check an email. I was able to get the answer, take a snapshot of it, and send the answer back to the person via text. I could do all…

Create More Value

While pulling in to a large shopping plaza two weekends ago, I saw a fairly young, fit man standing on the corner, holding a sign, asking for money. The sign indicated that he had lost his job and needed money to pay his house payment and to support his family. While I am sympathetic to…

“I’m Offended!”

I have heard numerous stories lately from friends and patients in which they inadvertently offended another person. And of course, you can’t read or listen to the news without hearing about someone expressing serious disgust because of how they were treated by another person. It should go without saying that we have a moral obligation…

Keep Things Good!

Want to be more successful? Want to have a better life? Who doesn’t? Fortunately, for those who are interested, there are millions of resources available. Books, audio programs, seminars, and the internet can provide an endless amount of content on “how to be successful.” Experts (and a whole lot of so-called experts) share, and have…

Says Who?

Ask a high school student what their plans are after they graduate, and many will likely tell you that they will go to college, get a job, start a family, and someday, probably around sixty-five years old, will retire. The reason they say this is because this is what they know. This is what most…

It’s All Relative

Humans are very relative creatures. In Northeast Ohio, if the temperature gets up to 50 degrees in winter, people lose the jackets and put on shorts. In the hotter summers, if the temperature drops to the low 70’s, you’ll see people bundling up in jackets. Why shorts at 50 degrees one day, and jackets at…

What Are You Waiting For?

If there is one thing humans are great at, it’s procrastination. We consistently put off to tomorrow what we should be doing today. I don’t believe it’s because we are lazy. I believe our minds work in a way that we justify not doing things until they really, really need to be done. Obviously, some…