Call It What You Want

I see hundreds of patients every week. I’ve been in private practice for over 26 years. In all this time, and having seen all these patients, I have heard of just about every ailment, condition, disease, and health concern known. Every single day, patients come into my office and tell me about a new condition…

One Question Worth Asking

People strive to make a lot of money, maintain a fit and youthful appearance, earn powerful positions of employment, live in upscale neighborhoods, and drive fancy cars. A lot of energy, time, and effort is spent on status. There is an engrained belief in Americans that this is the pursuit of happiness. After all, if…

3 Ways Profits Interfere-Part 2

Our healthcare system has become less concerned about health outcomes and more about profits. This has led to a decline in the overall health of the general public and an increase in the cost of healthcare. Last week, I shared how hospital systems are profit-driven businesses viewing you as a customer more than a patient.…