1. Wellness tip…
Take a moment and think about how good it feels to not be sick. To be able go to the bathroom without trouble. To be able to breathe in and out deeply. To not be bedridden. To be able to talk, think, walk, and smile. We tend to only appreciate feeling good when we feel bad. It is SUPER important to take time, even a few seconds… like RIGHT NOW… and feel immense gratitude for the goodness you feel at this very moment.
2. Scary finding this week…
A report came out last week about acne medicines containing a cancer causing ingredient. An independent lab tested 175 prescription and over-the-counter acne treatments and discovered 99 products containing benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient which can degrade into a chemical compound called “benzene” under certain conditions (basically after being in high temperatures over a period of time). Ninety-four of the 99 products containing benzoyl peroxide were found to have benzene present without any elevated temperature exposure. Benzene has been known to cause leukemia in humans for a long, long time (first discovered back in 1928). Benzene has also been found in sunscreens, hand sanitizers, and other skin lotions. Once again, big corporations put profits ahead of health. We wonder why cancer and other chronic illnesses continue to skyrocket. What we eat, how much we move, the quality of our sleep, how we manage stress, and yes, the products we put on our bodies are the CAUSE of MOST illness today. Pay attention to the products you are using and lathering your kids up with. They ABSOLUTELY affect your health and the health of your family. Click here to read an article about the latest benzene finding if interested. And click here for an article on the latest finding about forever chemicals (PFAS) being detected in nearly 50% of the U.S. water supply. This is just ANOTHER source of toxins in our daily environment. These problems are SO MUCH worse than we know, and are SO MUCH more involved with the sickness and disease that plagues most Americans. According to this article, “There are more than 12,000 types of PFAS, according to the National Institutes of Health, but this study looked at only 32 of the compounds.” Yikes!
3. Quote I love…
“Figure out what you’re good at without trying… then try.”
-Writer “Isabel,” in a post by James Clear
**Bonus finding…**
I LOVE magic! My buddy sent this video of magician Asi Wind “blowing the mind” of Andrew Huberman. (Thanks, Brad B.!) If you don’t like magic, skip it. Or watch just the first few minutes. (It is about 11 minutes long.) But it is AMAZING… and truly “mind blowing.”