I was having a discussion with an oncologist (a cancer doctor) about alternative forms of medicine outside of the traditional treatments used by almost every doctor and hospital. His response was quite negative, stating that they would not directly affect the cancer. And because of that, they would be a waste of time.
The truth is that any actions taken to improve your health will positively impact any condition you are struggling with… directly or indirectly. Many healthcare professionals fail to recommend, or even acknowledge, any therapeutic product or regimen if it (1.) Falls outside of the “standard of care” treatment that has been agreed upon by the medical establishment, or (2.) It does not show an impact on the condition directly.
When a patient comes into our office, the initial examination and x-rays are pretty much the same for most people. No matter the condition they have, the severity of their pain, or who they are, we check them for a particular spinal condition that is affecting their nervous system. The nerves are what carry signals from the brain to the organs, tissues, and cells, and what keep the body running properly. Every function is under the direct control and influence of the nervous system, so we work to ensure there is no blockage or disruption of the signals being sent from the brain to the body.
If we find an area where the nerve tissue is being disrupted (a condition called vertebral subluxation), we do a very precise movement with our hands (called a spinal adjustment) to restore proper function to that area, allowing the nerve impulses to flow more freely and properly to the body. When this occurs, whatever is at the end of that nerve can begin to function better and heal.
A person may be experiencing digestive issues, such as acid reflux, indigestion, or upset stomach. If there is a subluxation in the area of the spine where the nerves to the stomach originate, that could be the cause of the acid reflux, the indigestion, or the upset stomach. If this is the case, then an adjustment to that area of the spine, relieving that irritation or pressure on those nerves, would have a direct beneficial impact on the condition. We love direct effects like this, as the results are quick, powerful, and very noticeable.
Every healthcare practitioner will agree that treatments that directly affect a condition are worthwhile and recommended. But what gets overlooked, underutilized, and is underappreciated are treatments, initiatives, and even lifestyle changes that indirectly affect the conditions being treated.
Let’s say that the patient’s indigestion and upset stomach are the result of a gallbladder issue, and not the result of the subluxation. An argument might be made that working to correct the subluxation is not necessary and could be a waste of time. The question to ask is this… will the body function better or worse with that subluxation? Worse… of course! Will the body function better or worse if that subluxation is corrected? Better… of course! So, we always work to correct whatever subluxations we find, no matter what condition a patient is suffering with. This is because there will always be at least an indirect benefit. The patient’s body will function better without the subluxation than with it. And the body can put more energy on whatever condition it is struggling with if it doesn’t have to put energy into trying to correct that subluxation on its own.
This goes for any health improving action you take. If you have been diagnosed with a condition like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or even cancer, and you are carrying 20-30 pounds of excess body fat, losing that weight may not cure your particular condition (which is why your medical doctor won’t even address it), but without that excess weight, your body will function better, heal faster, and perform better. Even the medical treatments that you receive would likely be more effective without the excess body weight. There may be no measurable direct effect on your condition, but there will absolutely be indirect effects that are very powerful.
If you improve your diet, exercise daily, improve your response to stress, get a massage, see a chiropractor, get acupuncture, or do just about any popular health-improving initiative, there’s a good chance it will directly affect your condition. But even of it doesn’t, the indirect effects will be beneficial. The improved energy, better sleep, less pain, and/or increased mobility allow the body to direct more energy to your biggest health issues because it doesn’t have to exert that energy on those other things.
It is critical for you to look at health and wellness initiatives in the proper light if you wish to have the best chance to avoid disease, heal from the conditions you are struggling with, and live the best life possible. All actions you take have either a direct or indirect effect on how you function, how fast you heal, and ultimately, how you feel.
Do not measure the success of your healthy actions simply by how they are directly affecting your diagnosed conditions. Know that they are having indirect positive effects that are extremely beneficial. And with enough indirect benefits, there has to ultimately be a huge direct effect.