1. Video clip I saw and loved this week…
A clip popped up on Instagram this week of Dr. Wayne Dyer. He was one of the first personal growth experts I came across, and that was when I was probably 14 years old. His content is VERY good! He’s written more than 40 books (21 of them NYT bestsellers). One of them, The Power of Intention, is the one that I remember most. Click the image below for a quick clip of him that I REALLY, REALLY liked… and felt very worth sharing with you…
2. Cold plunge without a tub…
The research is clear that exposing the body to very cold temperatures elicits a whole host of health benefits. Cold plunge tubs have become very popular. We don’t have a cold plunge at the house… but we do have a lake. On Christmas day, a few of us decided to jump in. It was a last-minute decision, and I think everyone would have done it, but several family members had already showered and were getting ready for the day. It was the coldest water I have ever been in… FOR SURE! See a quick clip below… and notice that half of the water you can see is ICE.
3. Day I’m looking forward to…
I love the holidays… because I LOVE being around my family. We planned a special day today where all ten of us (Lana, Marin, Emma, Jack, Quincy, Luke, Kyle, Marin’s boyfriend, Sam, Emma’s boyfriend, Mitchell, and I) are going to Sandbox (a full body virtual reality experience), to dinner, and then to a comedy show. I am always excited when we can all hang out together and feel blessed to have the incredible dynamic our family shares.
*** REMINDER ***
There are still spots available for our WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM for January. If you are planning on losing weight in 2025, January is the BEST month. And our program is the BEST program. All-natural, no hormones, no stimulants… DRUG-FREE… and most people lose at least 20 POUNDS… in JUST 6 WEEKS. Call or text Lana at 216-832-5998 for more info. Click here for a link to our website.