Right now, in the midst of this pandemic, if you ask questions you might be considered an extremist, a conspiracy theorist, or just plain nuts. If you are asking questions you get pushed to the far end of the issue. There is no middle ground. It is causing people to hesitate to ask questions.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you are not asking questions, you need to be. There has never been a time like this in history when people are being told what to do without significant and reliable data. Some of it may be valid, but a lot of it is not. We have already seen conflicting information put out in regards to what we need to do and how we should do it.
So if I am asking questions and digging deeper into what we have been doing, what we are being told to do, and what we will be told to do, am I a fool? Am I paranoid? Am I a conspiracy theorist? Am I an extremist? No! I am doing what we as humans need to do… ask questions to help ensure that we are doing the best things possible.
But shouldn’t we let the leaders in politics and medicine make these decisions? After all, they are so educated and wise. They know so much. Or do they? Have they been wrong in the past? Yes! Have they misled us before? Yes! Have their misguided agendas superceded the wellbeing of American citizens before? Yes! And that is why we ask questions.
There is another problem with asking questions. If you ask about a particular issue, you get instantly pushed to the far end of that issue. For example, for the past twenty-two years in private practice I have seen the futility of medicine to make America healthy. I have seen so many issues with side effects and damage caused by certain medicines in certain people. This has prompted me to question efficacy and safety of medicines. Does this make me anti-medicine? Absolutely not! Of course there are lifesaving medicines that if used on the right person, at the right time, in the right dosage, will save lives. It would be absurd for me to say that all medicine is bad.
But it would also be absurd for me not to ask questions in regards to medicine. With over 100,000 deaths each year due to properly prescribed drugs, and countless adverse health effects, it is warranted to ask questions. If I am treating a patient with pains into their legs, and he or she had recently started taking a cholesterol lowering drug which is well known to cause muscle and joint pains, I would be negligent if I did not ask about the possible role that drug is having in their current health complaint.
My point is… questioning medicine does not equal anti-medicine. Questioning whether wearing a mask or sheltering in place is effective or even safe is not reckless or careless. Questioning information regarding Dr. Fauci’s history, paradigm, and agenda does not make one a conspiracy theorist. Asking why Facebook and YouTube are pulling down posts is a worthy question.
So… go ahead and ask the questions. You are entitled to ask. It is important that you ask. You are not an anti-this or pro-that simply by asking questions. We’ve always heard that the dumbest questions are the ones you don’t ask.