1. Something I’ve been asked about a lot lately…
There is a lot of buzz around infrared saunas lately. Saunas have been in use for over 2,000 years (invented in Finland), and the number of benefits continues to increase. Of course, they feel good, sooth sore muscles, loosen joints, and have detoxifying effects, but research is now suggesting that there are much further reaching benefits. In an article on mayoclinic.com, they state that conditions studied include high blood pressure, heart failure, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, headaches, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. They also positively impact hormones, sleep, energy levels, and mood. This may be why I am getting so many people asking me about them. The cool thing about these saunas is that they can be put in your own home. They are not crazy expensive, nor do they take up too much space. We have one at the office and one at our home. Patients that use the infrared sauna LOVE IT! I suggest trying it to see what you think. If you are not local, you can find somewhere close to you that has one. And if you love it, putting one in your home makes it super easy and convenient, and allows you to use it much more often. You must choose one that has low EMF and does not off-gas. The one in our home is Clearlight, which has EMF levels of virtually 0 mg. For more info, you can check them out by clicking here. And see a pic of the sauna I have in my home (the Clearlight Sanctuary 2) below…
2. Wellness tip…
When it comes to making choices, one thing I find helps A LOT is to think about how I will feel AFTERWARD. Have you ever walked into a restaurant planning on getting a salad or something light, only to find yourself feeling uncomfortably full and sick to your stomach after consuming a large cheeseburger and French fries? Or planning to workout, only to find yourself feeling weak and disappointed in yourself at the end of the day because you came up with reason after reason why you could push it off until later …and later. Want help? When making decisions, think about how you will feel AFTER you are done. This is a KEY to ensuring better decision-making. Thinking about how GOOD you will feel leaving the restaurant AFTER choosing the salad, or how BADLY you will feel AFTER eating the burger and fries, will heavily influence your choice. And thinking about how GOOD you’ll feel AFTER that workout, or how BADLY you’ll feel that night if you skip it, will absolutely affect your actions. So… start taking a moment to think about, and feel the feelings, that you will have AFTER whatever it is you’re trying to do… or not do… and you’ll start making better choices more consistently. I try to do this as much as I can… AND IT HELPS!
And I love this post by one of my favorite restaurants, TownHall…
3. Quote I love…
“Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.”