1. New series we started, and I STRONGLY recommend…
We just started a new series, Dopesick, a drama on Hulu starring Michael Keaton, which “examines how one company triggered the worst drug epidemic in American history. The series takes viewers to the epicenter of America’s struggle with opioid addiction, from the boardrooms of Big Pharma, to a distressed Virginia mining community, to the hallways of the DEA.” We’ve only watched one episode, and it is really good. I believe this is VERY timely, as it highlights how the mishandling of drugs in this country is a HUGE problem. They say history repeats itself. Well… just a heads up… history is repeating itself RIGHT NOW. Big Pharma has repeatedly put its financial interests before the health, safety, and well-being of the people. The opioid crisis is perfect example of this (there are many!). We are only one episode in, so I can’t tell you about the entire series, but it’s off to a great start! There are four episodes available, the fifth one will be released this Wednesday (there are 8 episodes total). Ugh! So much for binge-watching the whole series this weekend. I believe this to be a MUST WATCH series. Watch the trailer below…
2. Wellness tip…
Don’t beat yourself up for slipping from time to time when it comes to making healthy decisions. It’s human to have ups and downs, to be committed then lazy, to be strong then weak. A tip I like to give is to crank then coast. I do this. I have periods where I crank hard, then I coast. My workouts are always more disciplined, consistent, and aggressive in the fall and the spring, which then allows me to coast through the holidays and through the summer. Our bodies do well with increased work and loads, followed by leisure and rest. I even follow that principle during the week. I crank harder on weekdays, when my schedule is a bit more structured, then coast a bit on the weekends. It helps prevent burn-out, keeps me focused, and allows me to get more enjoyment out of life. So… make sure you crank, your health depends on it, but allow yourself to coast, it’s okay! Crank and coast… crank and coast… crank and coast…
3. Really good video clip I loved this week (and needed)…
With all the negativity these days, this video clip is guaranteed to lift your spirits…
And don’t let the pandemic prevent you from hugging those you love. According to scientists… hugs help you feel better about yourself, reduce your stress, improve communication, increase happiness, and improve your health. YOU NEED HUGS!