1. A poem I have revisited these past two weeks…
There are a couple of poems that I have kept with me since high school. This one… The Man In The Arena… is a great one. I have posted it before, but I’m reposting it for those that are being criticized by people who have NO IDEA what it is that you do, or have done, because they are mere spectators, sitting by and watching, and not actually in the arena doing. I also use this poem as a reminder to hold off on criticizing others, as I am not in their shoes, do not know their circumstances, nor do I understand what they are going through. So, before yelling at the quarterback for making a bad pass, criticizing the president of a company for making specific choices, or mocking a professional for a bad performance, I remind myself that I am a spectator, I don’t have the skillset to even be in their position, and it is so easy for me to be critical from the sidelines. See the poem below. The main line… “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…” But my favorite line… “so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
2. Funny video clip I was sent this week…
I was sent a video clip that simply said, “Siblings” with a laughing emoji after it. It is one gorilla teasing/tormenting another. This definitely could be my brother and me. If you have siblings… or kids… you’ll appreciate the humor in this video. Who sent it to me? My younger brother, Greg. He included my mom on the text. Her response? “A Paul monkey.” Yep… I was the tormentor. See the clip below. I also added another video clip of sibling elephants. That also was sent to me and my mother from my younger brother. Haha!
3. Wellness tip (and reminder)…
The fall season is a GREAT time to kick it into gear. Get in better shape, shed that body fat, and build lean muscle RIGHT NOW. It’s a such a great time to get back into a routine. Do it now, BEFORE the holidays, so you can cruise through the holidays. Don’t wait for that “New Year’s Resolution” that is three months away. Here’s what you NEED to do…
- Set a very specific goal. (i.e., lose 15 pounds)
- Lay out a very specific plan. (i.e., lift weights 3 times per week, do cardio 3 times per week, smaller portions at meal time, cut out sugary snacks, stop eating after 7pm, intermittent fast by skipping breakfast, etc.)
- Take those actions immediately. (i.e., begin one of these action steps TODAY!)
Make healthy living a priority. Your health… and life… depend on it. And STOP putting it off. You’re DONE making excuses. NOW is the time to get started. YOU… CAN… DO… IT!