1. Powerful event we ALL experienced this week…
I knew the eclipse would be neat to see, but didn’t think too much of it… until I saw/experienced it. Wow! I’m not sure what made it so powerful… maybe the awareness of how big the universe is… maybe how small it made me feel… maybe the reminder of how complex the world we live in truly is… or maybe because everyone came together in a powerful way for those brief moments. Whatever it was… it was significant… moving… powerful… etc. A few facts I learned this week…
-The moon travels at 2,288 miles per hour.
-The sun is 93 million miles away.
-It would take a beam of light 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get from earth to the sun.
-The next closest star past the sun is called Proxima Centauri. A beam of light from earth to that star would take 4.3 years. YEARS!
-What’s between the sun and Proxima Centauri? Nothing! That’s how much space is between those two stars. And there are approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe.
Wow! Wow! Wow! Trying to grasp this information is mind blowing. Anyway, I hope the eclipse this week moved you the way it moved me. It exceeded my expectations for sure! Here is a quick time-lapse video of the lake behind our house as it gets dark and then light again. Pretty cool!
2. Milestone I hit recently…
About twenty years ago, I started writing a weekly article that was published in the three local papers. Basically, a blog before blogs were a thing. I then moved that weekly article online about five years ago. We post these blogs on drbizjak.com each week. Well… I recently hit 1,000 articles/blogs. Hard to believe, but I have now written an article every single week for over two decades… and now have over 1,000 articles/blogs posts. I try to keep them fairly short, pertinent, timely, thought-provoking, interesting, and educational. It all started with me wanting to shift the thinking on the philosophy of health and wellness. If you haven’t already done so, check out these blogs on our site (drbizjak.com), or at the bottom of every Friday’s Findings. As always, I appreciate your trust! All I ask is that you pass these Friday’s Findings, the blogs, or anything you feel is share-worthy onto family, friends, co-workers, or anyone you think would benefit from the info.😉
3. Interesting (and thought-provoking) study I read about this week…
Dr. Curt Richter, a professor at John Hopkins, did studies on rats in the 1950’s that showed the incredible power of hope. Just knowing there’s a chance of survival, a chance of success, a chance you can do something, radically improves the possibility you WILL do it. My two takeaways… NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE… and… ALWAYS ENCOURAGE OTHERS AND GIVE THEM THE HOPE THEY NEED. Watch this quick (4-minute) video explaining the study (along with some inspiration and motivation at the end).