Have you had any miracles in your life? Have you encountered events or witnessed anything that was so extraordinary, yet had no rational explanation? Some people do not believe in miracles. Many people will say that they have not encountered a miracle. And most people will say that miracles are very, very rare. Whatever your thoughts or beliefs are about miracles, it’s worth taking a deeper dive into this super power and mind-boggling phenomena.
The word miracle is defined as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” As humans, we want everything to make sense. We want to be able to explain the why, the how, and the what in everything around us and in everything that happens to us. And when we can’t explain something in rational or scientific terms, we often assume that there must be a rational or scientific explanation, but we just don’t know what it is.
I want to encourage you to open your mind to not just the possibility that miracles do happen, but that your life is immersed in miracles. Miracles are all around us, are in our lives every single day, and are not limited to Bible stories, such as Jesus turning water into wine.
If you don’t believe in miracles, or hesitate to openly admit they are possible, look no further than your own body. You are here because a sperm and an egg came together… became one cell… divided into two… then into four… then eight… sixteen… thirty-two… and on and on and on. These cells eventually worked together to form your organs and tissues… lungs that brings oxygen into every cell in your body… a heart that beats 40 million times each year… and eyes that project images into your brain allowing you to navigate through this world. That one cell you started out as is now roughly 40 trillion cells. And each of those cells has approximately a billion biochemical reactions occurring every second. All of this happens without you or me even having to think about it. It is miraculous.
When you walk out from an airconditioned building into 90-degree heat, your body must make millions, and likely billions or trillions, of physical and chemical changes in an instant just to stay alive. Your heart rate changes, your pores open, water evaporates from your skin to cool you, and all of your organ systems kick in to maintain an internal temperature of 98.6 degrees. The fact that your body makes these changes as you go from cold to hot, or hot to cold, and that you don’t simply drop dead, is a miracle.
But beyond the miraculous working of your body, you are surrounded by astonishing, extraordinary, and unexplainable phenomena every day. How about when you think about someone that you haven’t seen or talked to in years, only to have that person call, or you run into them soon afterward? Or when you mysteriously went back into your house because your gut was telling you to, to check and find that the stove was left on. Or when you call a friend or family member to check in on them at just the right time, because you had “a feeling” you needed to call. What drives the unexplainable behaviors, the intuitions, and premonitions in our lives? How do we explain the unexplainable? How do we unravel the mysteries of life? We can’t. We never will. There are forces, energies, vibrations, and powers that are far beyond our ability to scientifically explain everything in this world. We need not only accept that, but embrace it, and get excited about it. To know that there are forces at work that defy logic, powers that can’t be explained by rational thought, and phenomena that science cannot explain should empower you, excite you, and motivate you.
I have a book in my office, titled Spontaneous Remission Bibliography Project, which has the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals. It documents hundreds of medical cases where the condition resolved or disappeared, and was supported by medical testing and observation, with no known cause or scientific explanation. I show it to patients occasionally to remind them, and myself, that miracles are absolutely possible, and happen more often than we know.
My patients will often say, “I don’t expect a miracle.” My answer… “I always expect a miracle… I just don’t get discouraged if I don’t see one.” You’re not crazy or foolish if you believe in miracles. I would argue just the opposite. Open your heart and mind to the fact that you are surrounded by miracles, that they happen every single day, and that you will experience more and more of them, and you will see a boost in your life.
We don’t have to have an explanation for all that happens in our lives. There will always be astonishing, wondrous, and amazing things that we encounter that come with no rational explanation. Embrace it. Honor it, and welcome it. Dr. Wayne Dyer has said, “Be realistic. Plan for a miracle.”
I started this blog by asking a question… Have you had any miracles in your life? The answer, in case you were unsure, is yes. You witness miracles every single day. They are all around you. You want an explanation? Here’s one… there is a “divine agency.” We can argue about what exactly that is, but we don’t have to. We can all agree that there is something bigger, something stronger, and something incredibly powerful that can defy the laws of physics, sidestep scientific explanation, and blow our logical minds. How wonderful is that?
Expect miracles. They happen every single day!