1. Podcast I was a guest on this week…
John DiJulius invited me to be a guest on his podcast, The Customer Service Revolution Podcast. The title… Health and Wellness has Never Been More Vital Than It Is Today. John does a great job with interviewing and getting his guests to open up and share knowledge, insights, and wisdom. My text to him once I heard the podcast… “YOU did a great job. The next podcast I do will be much better. Sorry it was yours I had to learn on. I’m a little spastic.” Anyway, click the image below to listen.
2. Study I read this week…
I read an article on WorldHealth.net titled Study Links Junk Food To Age Marker In Chromosomes, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. I also read the study itself. The takeaway… “those who consume a lot of industrially processed junk foods are more likely to exhibit a change in their chromosome that is linked to aging.” Two things… 1. This study shows the link between industrial processed junk foods (i.e. most foods eaten by Americans every dayL) and premature aging. 2. Duh! Do we really need a study to “prove” this??? What we eat matters. It REALLY matters! Whole, real foods nourish the body, giving you the vital nutrients that you need to function, heal, and grow. Processed, artificial, junk food destroys your body. You can read the short article by clicking here.
3. Poem I have hanging in my house…
The 13th century Persian poet, Rumi, wrote a poem titled, The Guest House. I have a framed copy of it in my house. I remind myself, and this poem helps, that we can’t block out emotions. We need to honor ALL emotions… just avoid getting stuck in the bad ones.