3 Ways Profits Interfere-Part 2

Our healthcare system has become less concerned about health outcomes and more about profits. This has led to a decline in the overall health of the general public and an increase in the cost of healthcare. Last week, I shared how hospital systems are profit-driven businesses viewing you as a customer more than a patient.…

5 Things To Boost Health Outcomes

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, our healthcare system is crumbling. The costs have skyrocketed, getting appointments with your doctors is much harder, the best doctors are leaving medicine (because they are fed up with all the changes), and at the end of the day, the current healthcare…

Slipping Into Ordinary?

Whether you are trying to improve your relationships, your finances, your health, or your business, the principles for improvement and mastery are the same. One of the reasons I read books, listen to podcasts, go to seminars, and try to surround myself with successful, on-purpose individuals is because the tips, principles and strategies that create…

Can’t Patent The Basics

With all the advancements in technology, state of the art medical tools, and the information we’ve uncovered these past few decades, you would think we would be bursting at the seams with abundant and ever-improving health. Quite the opposite is happening.  The health of our population is plummeting. Roughly 60% of adults in this country…