Is It Good? Is It Bad?

The way we see the world and the way we look at the things around us are shaped by our beliefs, experiences, and philosophies. We often look at things in terms of being cold or hot, black or white, fast or slow, etc. Most of the what we see and identify with is very objective…


Growing up, I spent a lot of time at Geauga Lake Amusement Park. We lived close by, so each year we would get season passes. I loved the rides, but really loved the games. One game from the arcade that really sticks out in my memory is Whac-A-Mole. Most of you will remember this… a…


Does the world seem fractured right now? Does there seem to be more divisiveness than ever before? Without looking at any data, the answer is a simple yes. You feel it. I feel it. And sadly, our youth feel it. And while we don’t need the data to know and feel the strong feelings of…

The 5 Most Dangerous Words

Humans behave in odd ways. We worry about things that will never happen, we seek happiness in places we know it can’t be found, we make excuses, shift blame, and tell ourselves lies. And instead of nipping problems when they are small and easily remedied, we wait… and wait… and wait… until those little problems…