We’ve all heard about the power of words. The words we use, the way we structure them, and the way we say them all matter. Our outcomes and our success can hinge on the words we use. And the great thing is we don’t need to know big, complex, fancy words to change our outcomes. Sometimes the smallest words make all the difference.
Take, for example, the word yet. It’s puny, only three letters. But when you put that word at the end of a sentence, it adds potential, possibility, and excitement.
Would you agree that there is a difference between the following two statements?
– My life does not look the way I dreamed it would.
– My life does not look the way I dreamed it would, yet.
Of course, there is a difference. Wording-wise, it’s a small difference, but the impact is huge. Reading that first sentence, you can feel the momentum dropping downward as it comes to an end. Doom, gloom, and the feeling of giving up. By adding that word yet, you can feel the momentum ramp up, shifting from something that is over or ended, to remaining alive and full of potential.
There are so many stories of successful men and women who succeeded because of persistence. It has been said that Colonel Sanders’ recipe was rejected 1,009 times before it was accepted. Thomas Edison made over 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. Steven King had his first book, Carrie, rejected over 30 times. There are many things we could pull from persevering success stories, but they all had to repeat one word over and over… the word yet.
A favorite quote I’ve used with my kids hundreds of times is that “all masters were once disasters.” We almost always fail in our early attempts at anything. So, it is critical to remember that, while we have not achieved what we sought out to achieve, that it might be one more attempt(s) away. The one word that might keep you in the game, keep you striving for that success, is that little word yet.
We’ve become accustomed to having things right now. We have fast food, minute clinics, and same-day shipping. This immediate gratification mentality has led us to forget about a key component necessary in any process… time. We don’t appreciate, value, or acknowledge the necessity of time.
When we work hard, dedicate long hours, and commit to something we care about, we may be tempted to give up when we don’t see the outcomes we desire. The problem is that we don’t know how much longer to keep striving before giving up. I can only imagine how much greatness has been lost in this world by someone giving up just before reaching their goal. They may have succeeded had they given it one more push, one more call, one more day, or one more try.
If you are struggling, feel like your efforts are not being rewarded like they should, or are thinking about giving up, remember that little word yet. Your success or failure could hinge on that little, but powerful, word. The only way to have truly failed is to have stopped trying. You have not gotten to that degree… yet! You have not found that special someone… yet! You have not overcome that illness… yet! You have not reached financial freedom… yet! So, don’t you dare give up… YET!
Great blog Paul! just what I needed 🙂