The boom in illness over the past 50 years is staggering. Diabetes, cancers, obesity, auto-immune disease, Alzheimer’s, asthma, autism, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and a whole bunch more conditions are all on the rise.
Despite the medical community’s efforts to introduce newer, stronger drugs, develop more advanced diagnostic tools, and perform more sophisticated procedures, people continue to get sicker and sicker. It can be no more apparent that our war on sickness is failing. No matter how much more money we spend on pharmaceuticals, how many medical doctors we employ, or how many fancy hospitals we build, true health will continue to elude us because none of these addresses the cause of our ailing condition.
We know, without question, that chronic illness is the result of our lifestyle choices. What we eat, how much we move, the quality of our sleep, our management of stress, and our relationships have the most impact on our health. Unfortunately, the medical community seldom addresses these factors, and has very little, if any, training in these areas. It, therefore, behooves you to take it upon yourself to accept the responsibility of caring for yourself and your family.
While most know that diet, exercise, sleep, and stress impact their health and wellbeing, there is one condition plaguing most adults, and many children, that goes undetected. Vertebral subluxation complex, also referred to as subluxation, may be the single most overlooked health condition in America.
As the term implies, it involves the vertebrae, or spinal bones. Your spinal column consists of 24 vertebrae. Between each vertebra is a disc, which keeps the bones from rubbing together, and creates space between the bones for the nerves to exit the spine. The nervous system is the master control system. The brain sends signals down the spinal cord, out the nerves (between the spinal bones), to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body.
The word subluxation is a term most medical doctors use to describe a “partial dislocation.” In chiropractic, the word subluxation refers to slight misalignment, which is not a fracture or dislocation. This slight misalignment, or disruption in proper function, disrupts proper nerve function, distorting the communication between the brain and the body.
We call it a vertebral subluxation complex because it involves, or can involve, multiple components of the spinal joint. The vertebral bone can shift from its proper orientation, the disc can swell, the muscles can tighten or spasm, the ligaments can become stretched, the tendons can become inflamed, and the nerve can become irritated. Because so many tissues can be involved, it complicates the condition.
Much like a cavity in a tooth, subluxations can be present with no symptoms. This makes this condition much scarier and more dangerous because by the time you know that you have the problem, it most likely has been developing over some time. This can lead to increased damage, longer term problems, and more difficulty when trying to correct it. The seriousness of this issue is amplified because the nerves are so delicate, so critical, and so important to all bodily functions. Left uncorrected, whatever is at the end of those nerves becomes more and more compromised.
Our office, and most chiropractors, are dedicated to finding and correcting subluxations. We are the experts when it comes to caring for this condition. With almost all other health care providers completely overlooking this possible condition, many, many people are struggling unnecessarily. You can eat a perfect diet, exercise daily, sleep deeply, and manage stress properly, but if your nervous system is compromised by subluxations, you can never be fully well. Understanding what a subluxation is, realizing how serious subluxations are, and knowing how many health issues can be caused by subluxations, is critical to maximizing your health. Consider having a detailed spinal subluxation exam done by an expert today. It might just be the answer you have been searching for.