1. Something I am proud of…
Twenty-two years ago, I started my practice. One month in, we participated in our first Toys for Tots drive. The idea that a child might go through Christmas without a toy really bothered me, so it was the Marines and Toys for Tots that were the perfect groups to team up with. Every year, when the Marines come to pick up the toys, they are always blown away by the number (hundreds), and quality, of the toys we collect. They say we collect more than anyone else (No competitive or ego problem here 😉 ). So… I am very proud of our accomplishments… but I am more proud of the generosity, enthusiasm, and big hearts of our patients. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Together we help make Christmas better for A LOT of children.

2. A message shared by a friend…
One of my long-time friends has traveled back to India to live in an village dedicated to healing for several months. He sent me this message that he had come across, and it got to me to stop and think. As we crank through our days, consumed by the hustle and bustle, it is CRITICAL to be more present. This message came at a great time for me, as I am swamped with projects, and as the holidays approach. Don’t hyper-analyze or overthink this message…
A man died…
When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.
Dialogue between God and Dead Man:
God: Alright son, it’s time to go.
Man: So soon? I had a lot of plans…
God: I am sorry but, it’s time to go.
Man: What do you have in that suitcase?
God: Your belongings.
Man: My belongings? You mean my things… Clothes… money…
God: Those things were never yours, they belong to the Earth.
Man: Is it my memories?
God: No. They belong to Time.
Man: Is it my talent?
God: No. They belong to Circumstance.
Man: Is it my friends and family?
God: No son. They belong to the Path you traveled.
Man: Is it my wife and children?
God: No. they belong to your Heart.
Man: Then it must be my body?
God: No, No… It belongs to Dust.
Man: Then surely it must be my Soul!
God: You are sadly mistaken son. Your Soul belongs to me.
Man, with tears in his eyes and full of fear, took the suitcase from God’s hand and opened it…
Heartbroken and tears falling down his cheeks, he asks God…
Man: I never owned anything?
God: That’s right. You never owned anything.
Man: Then? What was mine?
God: Your MOMENTS.
Every moment you lived was yours.
Do Good in every moment
Think Good in every moment
Thank God for every moment
Life is just a Moment.
Live it…
Love it…
Enjoy it…
3. A great cartoon I saw this week…
I was in Aurora’s wrestling room this week and snapped a pic of a cartoon that I think says it all. A friend had seen it a few weeks ago and texted it to me saying… “Made me think of you. Something you’d say.” Ha! Absolutely! As you head into the new year, make sure you see your life situation for what it is, think about how it could be better, and commit to taking the necessary action to change it.