1. GREAT story I heard this week…
I watched a YouTube video of Trevor Moawad telling a story about kid and his SAT test. I loved it! And you will too. It is POWERFUL! But don’t just listen to the story. Think about how powerful our thoughts and beliefs really are. What we believe about ourselves absolutely shapes the quality and outcome of our lives. You are BETTER than you think you are. You are SMARTER than you realize. And you are so much more CAPABLE of creating the life you dreamed about. BELIEVE IT! Watch the 3-minute video here or click on it below.
2. Regret I am having…
I realize now that I should have created a quick and simple online wellness program at the beginning of the pandemic. It is what people needed so badly and needed the most. I let the media, government agencies, and even your medical doctors lead you to believe that the pandemic was an outside-in problem. So, all the emphasis was put on social distancing, disinfecting everything you touch, wearing a mask, getting a vaccine, etc. As we are seeing now, most of those actions are proving to have been incorrect at best and harmful at worst. As with any health-related issue, the BEST thing you can do is build your body’s defense from the inside-out. When the world needed that the most, I should have stepped up with more energy and input. I feel I could have not only helped save more lives, but boosted the health and well-being of many at a time it was needed most. I would have included not just the physical well-being, but the mental well-being as well. Because even those that were not physically affected, were emotionally and/or mentally affected. Many people slid into very bad physical and mental patterns, and I believe I could have pumped out a pandemic wellness program that could have had people emerge from the pandemic BETTER than before it. Damn!
3. Recognition we are giving this month in our office…
Teachers have had an exceptionally crazy couple of years. We planned a Teacher Appreciation Week in October, but decided to extend it to include the entire month of October. It is our way of saying thank you for your efforts and service. Any new patient teacher will be seen in our office for NO CHARGE! We will also have a small gift for our existing patient teachers. So, please tell any teachers you know about this opportunity to have a consultation, detailed exam, and x-rays (if needed) for NO CHARGE! See the flyer below for more details. Thank you, teachers, for all you do.