1. Great talk I watched this week…
I was sent a video of a talk by Scott Calloway, called The Algebra of Happiness (thanks, John DiJulius!). I loved it… and I know you will too. It’s a fast 30-minute presentation loaded with some thought provoking and practical info. If, at the end of the day, it’s happiness that we are all seeking, then it makes sense that we should take a deeper dive into the science behind it. This presentation will open your eyes a bit. It is a MUST WATCH! Two big takeaways… 1. Loving someone doesn’t make you a loving person. You need to express that love. The happiest people are not afraid to express their love and do it often. 2. Telling younger folks to “follow your passion” is a bad idea. “Find something you’re good at and make the requisite investment of perseverance, grit, and frustration, called work, and overcome obstacles such that you become great at it.” Do this and you become more passionate about whatever “it” is. Watch the video below.
2. Something I read about this week…
I’ve taken an interest in the history of some of the holidays we celebrate. It seems odd that I’ve lived my whole life acknowledging these holidays, but often not knowing much about their origin, or how they’ve changed over the years. This Monday is Labor Day. Obviously, it is self-explanatory, but reading about it reminded me how amazing we are as a country. When we come together in groups, we have incredible potential. My hope is we don’t forget, or underestimate, the necessity of hard, physical labor. It’s good for us… and it is critical for our country. So… Happy Labor Day! Your hard work is appreciated. Quick fact… the first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5th, 1882. And I liked this paragraph on the U.S. Department of Labor’s website about Labor Day… “The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.”
3. Tip I gave this week…
Another doctor asked what I believed was the key to my success in practice. Truth be told, there is never A KEY. There are KEYS to success. However, I tried to give him one that I feel is among the biggest keys to my success… my intention. I realized early on that why we do what we do is much more important what we do. All of my decisions in practice hinge on what is best for my patients. I want to give the highest quality of care to the most people I can, in a way that I would want it given to me. Ahhhh… what a secret to success. I have seen people do all the right things, but fail because their intentions were selfish. Focusing on money, power, fame, or ego leads to trouble. Be conscious of WHY you are doing what you do.