1. Image that caught my attention (and thoughts) this week…
This was a great post that someone shared with Lana (Thanks, Kelly W.!). It was a screenshot, so I can’t give credit to whomever created it. I REALLY, REALLY like it. It says A LOT! Check it out… and think about it for a bit.
2. Game I’m playing…
Remember Pac-Man? Well… I can’t seem to get enough of that game right now. A couple of years ago, we got one of those arcade games with a bunch of the original video games on it (the kind they had at Pizza Hut, where two people sat at the game, one on either side). So fun! Frustrating… but fun. And addictions are worsened when you have someone close to you sharing that addiction (Thanks, Marin!). Time wasted… or time well-spent??? Two thoughts come to mind… All work and no play… and Work hard, play hard!
3. Disturbing quote I reread this week…
Years ago, I came across a letter that was put out by Goldman Sachs to its investors. What I read was ASTONISHING! We know the medical system and big pharma take little interest in actually curing disease and getting people truly well, but to see something like this in writing is unsettling. You can read one article discussing this by clicking here, but here is a quote from that letter about how curing illness is simply bad for business…
“The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,” analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients Tuesday. “While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.”
We can’t keep looking for solutions and answers to our healthcare issues from people who have no interest in actually solving these issues. Take charge of your own health!
A few extra tidbits for this week…
-Tomorrow (Saturday), Dr. Michael will lead the second Walk and Talk With the Doc. It was a success last month. Join him for an info-packed, exercise-inclusive, fun, outdoor walk. He will be at Liberty Park in Twinsburg (9999 Liberty Road, Twinsburg, Ohio) at 9 a.m. and will lead a one-hour hike. This is tomorrow, Saturday (4/16/22) at 9 a.m.
– Today is my daughter Quincy’s birthday. Happy birthday, Quincy! You are an amazing person doing incredible things. Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight!
-Our weight loss program is the ideal program to lose 20 pounds (or more!) in just 6 weeks… and with summer just around the corner, this the ideal time to start it. Call our office for more info about this life changing, spirit-lifting, confidence-boosting, and health enhancing program. Call 330-405-2751 for more info.