The human body is the most amazing creation of all time. It is mind blowing to think of all that is happening in your body at any given moment. You have trillions of cells all performing specific functions and billions of chemical reactions taking place every second. You are in a constant state of adaptation; heart rate adjusting appropriately to the activity you are in, your skin retaining or shedding heat based on the weather, and your pupils dilating perfectly depending on how light or dark your surroundings are. It does all this and so much more without you even having to think about it.
The bottom line is that our bodies are amazing. We are programmed for growth, repair, adaptation, and full function. Our bodies will perform as expected, but like everything else in this world, have specific needs. If these needs are not met, our level of health will be compromised. Deficiency and toxicity over time lead to sickness and disease.
If I could sum up a plan to be as well as possible, it would be this: Give the body what it needs and get rid of what it doesn’t, and it will do the rest.
Every animal on the planet has very specific requirements that are necessary for proper function and survival. Each animal’s requirements are different. Some need a little sleep. Some need a lot. Some require meat. Some require plants. Some require a warm climate. Some require a cold climate. If you put any animal in an environment where its needs are not being fully met, it will deviate from being healthy and move toward sickness. This is true for every animal, and guess what? You are an animal!
Your body has very specific needs and requirements. While we are the most adaptive species, able to modify the environment around us to help ensure survival, we have also become the sickest. This declining health that is so rampant among us is not due to bad germs, bad genes, or bad luck. It is due to bad choices! We are not providing ourselves with what our bodies require, and we are polluting our bodies with toxic substances that we are not designed to be around.
Most chronic illness, i.e. heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune issues, cancers, obesity, are the result of us being deficient and/or toxic. Our diets lack the nutrients our bodies need to operate properly. Our activity level is much too low. Our sense of community has weakened. And the overall sense of connectedness to our surroundings is becoming a thing of the past. These are all deficiencies.
Our foods are loaded with synthetic colors, artificial flavors, and dangerous sweeteners. The sugar we consume far exceeds what the body can tolerate. Fruits and vegetables contain pesticides. The meat we buy contains antibiotics and hormones. The air we breathe is full of pollutants. Our carpets, furniture, and home appliances contain materials known to cause cancer and other illnesses. Our stress levels are higher than ever before, and are constant, day in and day out. These are all toxins.
We do not provide our bodies with what it needs, and we load it up and surround it with things that are toxic to it. Yet we expect to continue feeling great and being healthy. We are surprised when we lack energy, can’t think straight, and get sick. How could we NOT be sick?
Take any other living thing out of an environment that it thrives in and put it in an environment as incongruent as our environment is to us, and it would wither, get sick, and die an early death. And we wouldn’t be surprised one bit. But somehow, for us, living day to day in deficiency and toxicity, we still get surprised when we are diagnosed with a chronic illness.
You want better health? Does more energy sound appealing? Want to avoid the chronic conditions that are so prevalent these days? Would you like to be thinner and fitter? You want the best chance possible? Simple… create sufficiency where there is deficiency, and create purity where there is toxicity. Your body, your health, and your life will thrive.
Terrific article