Be a Warrior…Not a Worrier

Our ancestors worried about starvation. They worried about tigers or bears coming into their camps. They worried about injuries leading to infection and death. These worries were valid, as they had no access to grocery stores, got eaten by tigers and bears, and even minor injuries could cost them their lives. I’m not sure what…

No One Is Coming To Save You

Imagine being stranded in the woods. You’re alone, you’re lost, and you do not know what to do. You have been waiting for someone… anyone… to come rescue you. Surely someone realizes you are missing, they will alert the authorities, and help should be on the way. But it’s getting late, the temperature is starting…

“There Is No Substitute”

A slogan is defined as “a short, memorable phrase or motto that is used to express an idea or purpose.”  A slogan I’ll never forget is the one Porsche used starting in the ’70s or ’80s, which was… “There is no substitute.” It’s short, memorable, and definitely expresses an idea. Tom Cruise made it more…