Chasing Symptoms

When it comes to problems with our current healthcare system, the list is quite long. At the foundation of these problems is the fact that it should not even be called a healthcare system, as the focus of this system is not on health itself, but rather the futile attempt to eradicate sickness and disease.…


I have always loved, and been fascinated by, magic. There is something about having your mind blown by the unexplained. To see things vanish in thin air… or simply appear out of nowhere… captures our attention and intrigues us like nothing else. Watching a magician at work is great entertainment. Deep down, we know we…

Modifiable Risk Factors

We have a finite amount of time and energy each day that we live. How we spend that time and energy, therefore, is something worth devoting some attention. Wouldn’t it make sense to apply as much of that time and energy to things that you have some chance of positively affecting? In life, there are…

Which Way Are You Trending?

Are you getting fatter or fitter? Is your marriage getting stronger or weaker? Is the work you are doing becoming more meaningful or less meaningful? Is your life getting more exciting or more boring? Most things in life don’t just become that way all at once. We tend to think that the bad stuff that…