What Are You Waiting For?

If there is one thing humans are great at, it’s procrastination. We consistently put off until tomorrow what we should be doing today. I don’t believe it’s because we are lazy. I believe our minds work in a way that we justify not doing things until they really, really need to be done. Obviously, some…

Two Freight Trains?

Several years ago, I heard a portion of a presentation being given by Montel Williams. One thing he said caught my attention. He warned the audience that there were “two freight trains heading toward you right now.” Those two freight trains, according to him, were chronic illness and a lack of doctors in the future.…

The Next Public Enemy #1

There is a tendency for us (the media, doctors, scientists, etc.) to get hyper-focused on a particular thing as being the answer to our health care woes. We pick out certain foods as either the solution to all of our problems, or the ultimate cause of all disease. In the past, the foods that have…

Honor All Emotions…

If I ask you to think about the worst day you’ve ever experienced in your life, you will become filled with certain emotions. If I then ask you to think about the greatest day you’ve ever experienced, you will become filled with a completely different set of emotions. Have you ever responded to a situation…