Relationships can become dysfunctional when one or more of the parties involved enter into that relationship with selfish, criminal, harmful intent. In the last week’s blog, I stated that there are two industries that I don’t care for too much… the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry. I wrote about the insurance company in the last blog, but I believe the pharmaceutical industry is even more toxic.
We always look to experts when seeking answers to our problems and concerns. We rely on mechanics to help us fix or maintain our vehicles, we count on financial advisors to guide us through investments and retirement planning, and we rely on our doctors to help us correct ailments and maximize our health. If we are unhappy with those guiding us, we seek out another qualified professional in that industry for better help. But what if the entire industry is a disaster?
Ultimately, we want be fully well, with an abundance of energy and vitality, but our primary concern when it comes to our health would be to stay alive. Most people are shocked to learn that the third leading cause of death in this country (with heart disease being #1 and cancer being #2) is… OUR HEALTCARE SYSTEM. Yep, the very system that is supposed to be optimizing our health kills more people than diabetes and obesity combined.
Well, we have this belief that the pharmaceutical industry is committed to finding out what plagues us and then works hard to come up with remedies to help us. That would result in a healthy relationship. They work hard to come up with miracle treatments and cures, and they get compensated appropriately for their studies, diligence, and breakthroughs. But this industry is concerned with one thing, and one thing only… money.
These pharmaceutical companies do not have an obligation to the healthcare system, doctors, or the patients, for whom their products are designed for. Their sole obligation is their shareholders. They MUST make as much money as they can. How is that done in this industry? I’d have to say by lying, cheating, and stealing.
According to Public Citizen, “over $30 billion had been paid by the pharmaceutical industry to settle allegations of numerous violations, including illegal off-label marketing and the deliberate overcharging of taxpayer-funded health programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid.” Between 1991 and 2015, $55.7 billion was paid out in 373 settlements between the government and pharmaceutical manufacturers. That is a HUGE amount of money! And the list of crimes they committed reads like an organized crime rap sheet.
What is most concerning is that in the wake of their hardcore focus on making as much money as possible is the harm it has inflicted on the American people. Not only were millions of people injured by their dangerous products, but many, many people died because of them. And the people in these companies often knew their products would cause harm, and even kill, but worked to cover that information up. Wow!
And the doctors prescribing these dangerous drugs are given fake or faulty data, are often bribed to prescribe these meds, and purposefully misled. While things have changed more recently, it was not uncommon for doctors to receive lavish gifts, like vacations and vehicles, for prescribing these drugs. While I was in chiropractic school in Iowa, I remember one drug company got in trouble for providing doctors with prostitutes. Yikes!
According to Statista, “In 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend.” We are only one of two countries that allows Big Pharma to advertise directly to the public. Not only does it influence Americans to “ask their doctor” about these meds, it ties the hands of the television networks. You likely never heard about all of those billions of dollars of fines for the crazy criminal acts of these drug companies, because if they were to put these stories on the evening news, the drug companies would pull their ads. Another form of bribery.
All we have to do is look at how pathetic the health is in this country. We are among the sickest developed nations, and chronic disease is at an all-time high. The pharmaceutical industry is profiting heavily on our continued sickness. Curing disease isn’t even a goal of theirs. Ongoing medicating is where the big money is made.
I write all of this to warn you to see the pharmaceutical industry for what it is… a profit driven, corrupt, scandalous industry that puts profits first. With over 100,000 people dying each year from properly prescribed medications each year, countless others being seriously injured, and no one actually being cured of any disease, you MUST be very careful when it comes to trusting this industry.
Healthy relationships involve the reciprocation of care, trust, and honesty. Insurance companies and drug companies love to take, but hate to give. They don’t care about you, your doctors, or what ultimately happens to you… they care about money. We need these companies, and there are times they are very valuable to us, but you need to know what you are getting. Tread lightly and stay alert. These industries continue to thrive at our expense.