1. Something I read this week…
As my daughter, Quincy, applies to colleges, she has been writing essays as part of that application process. I have enjoyed and been impressed with her writing style and the content. This week, I read an essay she wrote in response to the following question… “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.” What does this statement mean to you and can it affect what you do?” I thought I would post the first paragraph of that essay, because I thought my readers would benefit from what it said. Here it is… To me, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable means pushing out of my comfort zone to have new experiences. Taking chances, even if it can be frightening, stimulates growth and learning. There are times when being comfortable is important, but other times, it can be dangerous. Learning and growing requires being uncomfortable, and growing is vital. You can survive in your comfort zone, but you can thrive outside of it. No one reaches their full potential by staying in the same place their entire life. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable means being willing to take risks for the chance to grow.
2. Video clip I enjoyed this week…
Last spring was the first spring break we did not travel. I have been longing to get my feet in the sand and to swim in the ocean, but booking any trips has been tricky. Watching this video this week captivated me for the few moments that I watched it. It was posted on Twitter by Tom Hall (@TomHall). The color of the water is amazing! And I love that you can see the shadow of the wave on the ocean floor. Very cool!!!
3. Quote I love…
“Reputation is what people think you are. Character is what you actually are.” -Tom Ryan, The Ohio State University Head Wrestling Coach
Few people know discipline, hard work, and sacrifice like wrestlers. So, when someone like Tom Ryan speaks, I open my ears and shut my mouth. He was one of the other speakers at the Customer Service Revolution that I had the privilege of speaking at last month. The title of his presentation was Chosen Suffering, and it had some great take-aways. The quote above is one that caught my attention. He also just wrote a book that I just ordered, Chosen Suffering: Becoming Elite in Life and Leadership. (Click here if you’re interested in the Amazon link to this book.)